Gone are the days, when clothes defined people. Living by the modified, age old adage “Words maketh a man”, Gen X & Y make the world go around by their words. Many a time, you would find yourself admiring the gifted lot, who have the capability to charm the world with their eloquent speeches and writings. What often goes unnoticed, is how the smarter lot often wins, with the phrases they choose not to indulge in, rather than with, what they choose to. Read through to know what those phrases are,
1. Fancy talk – Reduce the use of jargons and complex words
Planning to clinch your next deal with a talk filled with jargons and complex keywords? Well ! I could safely say, “forget the deal “. Research proves that such a talk would not only be boring but also makes you look ignorant as people would decipher your use of complex words as your trick to cover up your lack of knowledge in the given subject. Using simple, clear language with well-formed sentences, help to achieve your goal in mind.
2. I’ve preponed today’s meeting – Double check if your words are suitable for a global audience
Even though preponed, has been added to the Oxford dictionary in 2010, usage of the same to a global client, outside India wouldn’t be appropriate. Rather, “Our meeting has been forwarded to ‘so and so time’ ” would sound more professional. Usage of words that are universally acceptable, would present you, in better light.
3. I’ll have an expresso – get your spellings and pronunciations right
Save yourself the embarrassment of asking for a drink that doesn’t exist, in front of your client, especially when you are trying to look cool, in front of him/her. Make sure to know your nouns, to avoid embarrassing mistakes in front of your group or your valued clients.
4. Actually – Avoid lexical fillers
Not sure about, how to answer your boss’s question. You would find yourself answering, “Actually, the project will be completed next week”. The word actually is playing the role of a lexical filler, in this sentence. It is first important to identify your Lexical filler and then try eliminating it, as it varies from person to person. Lexical fillers not only make you sound ignorant but will also sound rude. So make sure to avoid them in a conversation, especially with your boss /client.
5. What am I suppose to do? – Practice pronouncing your verb forms
To avoid any confusion about the message, you are trying to deliver, make sure to say hard your trailing t’s and d’s. Eg. Spelt, Supposed, etc. Rather you could choose to use verbs and verb forms that you would be comfortable with, framing sentences, whenever possible.
6. You always or you never – Extremities in sentences are best not used.
It is almost a zero probability, that a person always misses targets or a person never loses focus in life. You would be better off, by using mid ranges for your sentences. So you could rephrase by saying ” You miss your deadlines most of the time, try working on them.” This would actually motivate, the other person.
7. It’s upto you or whatever you want – Empathize with your fellow human
If a person has come to you, valuing your opinion, you should respect him/her for that and try giving an honest opinion about it. If you wouldn’t prefer taking sides, you can still be honest about it, while adding some points that they can consider for their decision.
8. I.e. Or e.g – Don’t mix your samples with your descriptions
While trying to communicate, it is mandatory to know the difference in usage between the two. I.e. means “in other words” while e.g. means “giving some instances of the description provided”. Basic understanding of the two would help to build better sentences, which comes with a little bit of patience and practice.
9. All I know is – Project your knowledge not your ignorance
When you say this to an interviewer, he/she might take the literal meaning, which projects you as ignorant. You could try saying, “The facts that I am currently aware of are….”, to project your minimal knowledge in any subject in a positive light.
10. All the best/ Good luck – Appreciate and encourage
It wouldn’t take a minute or two longer, to tell the person “I know, you have got it in you. Yes, you can do it. Let them know, they have got what it take to get there.
Hope these points will shed some light about the domains you need to work on to help yourself be projected as a smart person. We know you already are a smart one, so hang in there and work on these cues.